How to Clear CA Foundation – The Best Tips and Tricks


Wondering of how to pass CA foundation examination ? “Foundation is the beginning of your journey on being a CA

Foundation is the layout of your CA course, which means you get to know the basics of CA course in your CA foundation syllabus.

After your 12th examination, you will appear for your foundation exam, being held in May and November of every year.

Here are 10 tips on how you can crack the CA Foundation Exams easily.

  1. Make your own timetable
  2. Make your own notes
  3. Choose your own books
  4. Choose your own Coaching Institute
  5. Choose your own eating habits
  6. Choose your own sleeping time
  7. Choose your own study time
  8. Choose your own hobby


  1. You need to stick to your dreams
  2. Stick to your self-made plan  

This article is not going to guide you on how you should be studying, eating sleeping during your study time, instead we want to help you in analyzing yourself and deciding what is good for you.

Make your own timetable:  Tanya loves to watch series on Netflix but after we motivated her to do something productive during her “watching Netflix time” she instead started watching some documentaries over money end economical blunders happening in the world.

This is what is expected from you when we say make your own timetable. We don’t want you to open your books and study all the time perhaps we want you to manage your time in the most productive manner. Pen down your daily routine on a paper and see what changes you need to make so that you can use your time productively. If you have a dream you need to open your eyes and work harder to achieve them. Making an effective and systematic timetable is the first successful step towards your dream. Substitute the unproductive work with some productive work and utilize every minute of the day.

Make your own notes: Writing down anything leaves more impact on the brain than reading, hence it is memorised for a longer period of time. Don’t try to borrow someone else notes. You can have ideas and methods from others, but it is always the best practice to write your own notes in your own style and under your own understanding. It helps you to memorize your reading session and are also handful during revision. Misha shared to me that she reads her chapter and then writes important points of that chapter with her books close. Then she opens her books again and rewrites whatever has been left out. This way she says she revise her chapter two times while making notes.

Choose your own books: I have also found that many students keep looking for best books, best notes, best papers throughout the course and on the last days actually read from the same book at the first place. You should avoid making such mistakes and make brief research about your books through seniors, teachers, internet and then keep at least 2 books of each subject from different authors and start your study as early as possible.

Choose your own Coaching Institute: Don’t follow the herd. Choose your CA foundation coaching institute according to your location, paying capacity and you find it best on your research. Don’t be misguided form the fancy and lucrative advertisement. Choose the coaching institute  BEST suited to you.

Choose your own eating habits: Eat when and whatever you want to eat. It’s just that you need to eat it in the right proportion and also indulge yourself in some physical activity to have proper digestion. This is the key to be healthy. If you have sweet tooth you should eat ice cream, chocolates, Rasgulla whenever you want to. Don’t traumatize yourself with exams and preparation and stop eating. Exams are part of life and if you are able to sync the exams and your regular life in a casual manner, you will enjoy better mental health throughout the course.

Choose your own sleeping time: Sleeping is again an essential part of your life and it is important to take a nap or sleep whenever your body demands. Don’t stretch yourself and get dozed off on the study table.

Choose your own study time: Some students study at night where some students have a habit of getting early to study. There is no rule for the best time to study.it is your concentration that matters. So choose your own study time and make your timetable accordingly.

Choose your own hobby: Students should develop a hobby and spend some time daily on it.if you spend some time in doing what you love you will have a peaceful and calm mind so that you can have more focused and concentrated study time.


  • You need to stick to your dreams: Once you set your study timetable, be in good health enroll yourself in some good coaching institute, the daily routine might become bit tard. Don’t get agitated during this time and keep your mind focused on achieving your dreams.
  • Stick to your self-made plan: The key to be successful is believing in yourself. You need to believe yourself and also believe in your plan. Keep consistent routine of revision and study and you will surely pass your exams with flying colors.

Hope this article will help you to clear any exams you appear in your life. Comment below if you want to talk to us.

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