Top Reasons Why Parents Choose To Educate Their Kids via Homeschooling


There are many reasons that families elect to homeschool instead of sending their children to a public or private school including health, job, quality learning and safe environment. After connecting with an accredited homeschool platform, parents have another decision to make. They can have their kids taught completely by the instructors or they can handle this responsibility themselves with the school’s support system always available for questions and on a part-time commitment if desired.

This decision should be based on the family’s ability to commit to the time needed to teach the grade (or grades if there are multiple children), personal motivations and what is in the best interest of the student due to their learning needs. It is important to note that this option is typically open to grades prior to high school since after that point, the majority of online programs require professional instruction.

One of the primary reasons one or both parents will accept the role of ‘teacher’ is because they want to spend more time with their children. Homeschooling provides the best option for combining family interaction with education and when partnered with a high-quality curriculum, the results are a graduate who does better than their counterpart in the public system.

It is well-known that kids who have positive relationships with their parents are more confident, secure and have higher self-esteem as they develop into teenagers and then young adults. Families can develop this attribute without homeschooling but teaching kids at home allows the bond to be deepened and in multiple ways because parents are showing their children, through action, how important it is to invest their time.

Communication is a critical factor in this process because it is the method by which the education, issues and working together are brought into harmony. Experts recommend that it is important for parents to have distinct roles so that kids can interact with their ‘teacher’ regarding school matters and then as ‘parent’ for personal and other issues.

Another factor is a parent’s desire to pass on a personal belief system or foundation of faith which can be done through a Christian accredited homeschool curriculum strengthened by the parent’s instruction. For some families, it is not enough to have exposure limited to just Sundays but rather they want it to be an integral part of their child’s education.

Parents can choose a type of curriculum that includes faith studies integrated with every subject and a Bible class giving the student a quality education that meets traditional standards with a religious emphasis. Teaching faith at home becomes personal in an environment where it is acceptable to ask questions, challenge and grow through experience.

No one knows a child better than their parent so these individuals have the greatest amount of knowledge and ability to know how to motivate, encourage and get their kids excited about learning. Many students are in traditional classrooms hearing the material from a stranger but without connecting to the process so their grades suffer, self-confidence decreases and peer pressure can become a factor.

Education is about developing skills with information and gaining knowledge that will help them in the future but this requires the student to be engaged in the process. Parents have the freedom and flexibility to use different techniques and approaches such as field trips, adjusted school schedules, interactive learning and online resources in conjunction with textbooks and e-books.

Every student is unique and some may struggle with long-distance instruction which means that they need a teacher that is physically present in the room where they can review the material and work directly with the child. A parent can choose to do this on their own or partner with other similar homeschool families to utilize the strengths that different adults can bring to the forum. As the student progresses into junior high and high school, it is necessary to have a conversation about the future to determine if they need to transition to a traditional classroom or move forward with the accredited homeschool online.

Parents who have never been in the education system can still effectively homeschool their children using a reliable online portal with a supportive administration. Making the decision to be the primary teacher or leaving that to the professionals is a family decision that should be thoroughly discussed at the beginning. 

A benefit with homeschooling is that parents can perform this role at the beginning of the process and then switch the student over in any grade based on their comfort level with the approach and absorption of the information. The first step is to find a quality backed homeschool program, review the site, ask for a demo and speak with admissions staff to understand the options and then make a decision that works for the entire family for a successful educational journey.

Featured Image by stem.T4L on Unsplash

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