4 Best Ways to Avoid Dry Skin in Winters


Winter is a fantastic season to celebrate Christmas and being all cozy while staying inside and enjoying warm cocoa. However, winter can also be quite challenging, especially when you are suffering from dry skin. Skincare routines are as crucial in winters as these are in summers. Besides avoiding certain things that cause dry skin in the first place, we also recommend bioderma atoderm, which is an effective remedy for dry and rash skin. Before we plunge into the list of what to avoid, it is essential to note that not all steps might work for everyone with differing skin types.

The below-listed steps, however, are those which are general and work for most people. Read on to learn more about what to do to make your skin feel hydrated, healthy, and moisturized during the winters.

Don’t Take Hot Showers

We know that hot showers are very enticing when it comes to comfort and convenience in winters. However, regular hot showers can have a damaging impact on your body and especially the skin. You might have noticed how your skin dries out after you have taken a super-hot shower. The best thing to do is to replace your hot shower with a warm shower. Warm water won’t shed the moisture from your skin. On the contrary, a warm shower will keep the skin’s moisture locked, preventing your skin from getting all flaky and itchy.

Switch your Shower Gels with Cleaning Body Oils

Our skin needs to be thoroughly moisturized during the winter season. The more moisture, the better the skin. That said, we recommend using as many oil-based products as possible, especially during baths.  You might want to switch your shower gels with cleansing oils. Doing so will ensure that the moisture of your skin is retained while you have a bath. Shower gels are usually great for summers or average weather. However, during the winters, these can lead to dry skin. While shopping for the best winter products, keep looking for body products that include plant oils as an essential ingredient. These will ensure that your skin gets the best moisture barrier during the winters.

Moisturize, Moisturize, and Moisturize

Moisturizing is a crucial step, the ignorance of which can lead to massive skin issues, especially during the winters. That said, while you look for the perfect moisturizer, make sure that it is oil-based. Moisturizers with a thick oil base, ensure that your skin stays hydrated. For best results, we recommend applying a moisturizer right after you step out of the shower. This step will ensure that the moisture stays locked in while keeping skin dryness off the bay. 

Don’t Skip on Sunscreen

Over-washing your face can cause dry skin. If you have naturally dry skin, it means that the oil production is already on the lower side. That said, wash your face only twice, once in the morning and once before going to bed. It might feel like you don’t need sunscreen in the winters. However, the UV rays can cause severe damage to your skin. Therefore, make sure to include sunscreen in your daily skincare routine.

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