9 Ways On How To Make Yourself Sneeze


Sneezing or sternutation, is known as an involuntary expulsion of air from the nose. It is the way our body removes irritants, such as pollen or dust, from the nasal passages. Sneezes are often strong and occur suddenly. However, in many cases, sneezing is unable to happen, which makes you annoyed, especially in those suffering from congested noses. Luckily, the nine ways to make yourself sneeze in this article can help stimulate our body to sneeze more easily.

What Causes Sneezing?

When irritants or foreign things enter your nose, they will be trapped in the mucus in your nasal passages. Then, these particles will travel to your stomach. However, in some cases, they can irritate mucous membranes inside your nasal cavity and throat. The irritation can affect the trigeminal nerve, which gives a signal to your brain, triggering your body to sneeze.

As mentioned above, sneezing is a way of expelling irritating factors from your body (the respiratory tract) naturally. Allergens (pollen), viruses, or even trauma in your nose cause sneezing.  Other parts of the body that contribute to sneezing include the throat, the chest, the diaphragm muscles, and the stomach muscles. Below are nine common ways to make yourself sneeze.

9 Ways to Make Yourself Sneeze

Pluck out a nostril hair

It is one of the most common ways to make yourself sneeze. Tweezing a single nostril hair will irritate the trigeminal nerve and produce a sneeze. You should also be careful when plucking out because the skin in your nostrils is extremely sensitive.

Massage your nose

You just rub your nose’s bridge gently in a downward motion to stimulate the trigeminal nerve. In many cases, people get results soon from massaging the nose. This tip is commonly safe for your nose.

Drink something fizzy

Bubbly drinks (Coca-Cola or Pepsi) can make you sneeze because of their carbon dioxide. If you drink too much carbon dioxide, you get easily sneeze. However, bubbly drinks are harmful if you drink too much.

Use a thin tissue

You can make yourself sneeze by rolling a thin tissue’ corner into a point. Then you place it gently in your nostril. You move it back and forth carefully until you feel a tickle sensation, which will stimulate the trigeminal nerve to sneeze. This technique should be carefully applied because it can damage the tissues in your nose.

Use a feather

Another of the 10 ways to make yourself sneeze is using a feather. In some cases, you are triggered to sneeze by gently brushing a fake feather underneath your nose. You should apply this tip carefully and avoid letting the feather into your nose. If a feather is not available, you can use hair instead.

Go somewhere cold or cool

In reality, when you feel cold, you may get a sneeze or more.  According to researchers, the trigeminal nerve is often stimulated by cold or cool air. The nasal passages’ lining is also affected when you are in colder air. Cold and shivering can stimulate the nerve and cause a sneeze, so if you want to get a sneeze, you simply turn up the AC or go somewhere cold or cool. You should be careful when applying this tip because you can get a cold and cough if you try it for too long.

Sniff a spice

When your nose is struggling for irritant removal, an agent called piperine in black, white, or green pepper can irritate your nose. Sneezing occurs when piperine activates nerve endings and mucous membranes inside your nose and throat.

Although this tip is effective in making a sneeze, you should not inhale too much pepper because it can cause burning inside your nose and make you cry a lot. If pepper is not available, you can also try cumin, or coriander to stimulate sneezing.

Sniff a perfume

Perfumes and colognes can make you sneeze. To apply this, you just spray some perfume in the air to stimulate the nasal lining.

You also should remember to never inhale perfume particles directly or spray them directly into your nostril because this action can cause burning inside your nose, cough, or even choke.

Look at a bright light bulb

Some say that looking accidentally at a bright light bulb can induce sneezing. According to researchers, it is estimated that one-third of the population is easier induced to sneeze by looking at bright light. This photic sneeze reflex (PSR) is also known as autosomal dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst syndrome (ACHOO), which occurs when the trigeminal nerve (CN V) is placed next to the cranial nerve I (also known as the optic nerve).

The photic sneeze reflex is sometimes hereditary; if your parent suffers, you may have a 50 % chance of having this reflex. When you apply this tip, never look at the sun directly because this can damage your eyes.

Final thoughts

It is necessary to cause a sneeze in some cases. The nine methods on how to make yourself sneeze mentioned above may help you get rid of the problem efficiently. Remember that you should always be gentle and careful when inhaling irritants and never place anything sharp or hard into the nose.

People also ask

Are there any potential risks or side effects associated with these methods of inducing sneezing?

Potential risks or side effects associated with these methods of inducing sneezing could include irritation or damage to the nasal passages, especially if done too forcefully or with sharp objects like feathers. Inhaling pepper or perfume directly may cause burning sensations or respiratory discomfort. Additionally, excessive sneezing induced by carbonated drinks might lead to discomfort or digestive issues.

Are there any medical conditions or situations where attempting to induce sneezing might be harmful or contraindicated?

Attempting to induce sneezing might be harmful or contraindicated for individuals with certain medical conditions such as nasal polyps, sinus infections, or allergies. People with respiratory conditions like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) should be cautious as excessive sneezing could exacerbate their symptoms. Moreover, those with a history of nosebleeds or nasal surgery should avoid methods that could potentially damage delicate nasal tissues.

Is there any scientific evidence or research supporting the effectiveness of these methods, or are they mostly anecdotal?

While these methods are often based on anecdotal evidence and personal experiences, there’s limited scientific research specifically evaluating their effectiveness. Some techniques, like photic sneeze reflex (sneezing induced by bright light), have been studied to some extent, but more rigorous research is needed to confirm their reliability. It’s essential for individuals considering these methods to approach them cautiously and be mindful of their own physical sensitivities and health conditions.

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