The Apple logo is iconic. From computers to phones and tablets – it’s everywhere you look! The company was originally known as ‘Apple Computer Inc’ but changed their name in 2000 when they felt that being a computer manufacturer wasn’t enough anymore with such topics dominating society so much these days; instead choosing an umbrella term which encompassed all things apple-like music players or smartphones (or even TVs!).
Android is a free and open-source operating system for smartphones. It was developed by Google in cooperation with other companies, which were later bought out or went independent from the company they worked on this project too become one of its key features that makes it unique among all others; an evergreen product line where new versions come out every year – usually within months if not weeks!
One is a more open system than the other
The iPhone has always been a closed system. You can’t get anything that you don’t have from Apple and if your only option for accessing these proprietary programs is iTunes, sorry pal – no apple-to-amazon ebooks or Google Play movies in this one!
Android is a more open platform than Apple with respect to alternative applications; Android offers more freedom to users. But, you’re still limited if your music library is based on iTunes.
Hardware: simplicity vs a host of choices
Apple has a tight grip on both the software and hardware in their iPhones, but because of this, they can produce higher quality products. Google offers Android to phone makers like Samsung who make different models with varying size weights features etcetera which leads them to come across as less reliable than Apple’s product line up due to an inconsistent experience when using one phone globally.
Premium-priced Android phones are about as good as the iPhone, but cheaper Androids may have more problems. Of course, iPhones can also experience hardware issues; they’re high quality overall though and shouldn’t be a problem if you just need a phone for calling or messaging purposes only.
Google Assistant vs Siri: Which is the more intelligent assistant?
Google Assistant is always on the lookout for new ways to make your life better. For instance, if Google Calendar knows that you’re meeting someone at 5:30 and traffic is terrible, they can send a notification telling you to leave early or be late!
Google’s Assistant uses everything we tell it about ourselves as well as what’s going around us in order to find solutions that benefit both parties involved; whether this means sending reminders when there are heavy delays due to an event.
Siri’s artificial intelligence is improving with each new iOS release. That said, it still lacks the advanced smarts of Google Assistant and doesn’t offer many features at all in comparison to other virtual assistants like Alexa or Cortana for Windows 10 devices.
In less than two years since its initial launch on iPhone 4S, Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced that Siri had been improved so much through software updates they finally added 3D Touch support – allowing users quick responses without having open apps installed.
UX: Customization vs Elegance
The greatest benefit to Android is its greater openness. This means you can choose from a variety of customizing options and apps that suit your needs rather than being stuck with whatever else the manufacturer chooses for them, even if it’s inferior in quality or usefulness! The downside? Every company has different customization abilities which may make some features unique depending on who made them; some phones will also come loaded up only in certain ways because there isn’t enough room inside itself (which might be an issue).
Apple’s iOS limits customization options. Recently, it added home screen widgets and now lets you change some default apps (for example – Gmail). What you give up in flexibility with an iPhone is balanced out by quality and attention to detail a device that just works well-integrated into other products. It might make one wonder, “Who needs all those choices? I want something simple!”
It’s a tough choice, but it all depends on what you want. If your priority is a high-quality phone with clear sound and easy use then iPhone would be the better way forward; however if flexibility in options beats any issues that may come up along the line (like certain bugs), go for Android instead!
Final Word
You can’t resist the allure of an iPhone, but think about what you want in your phone. Do battery life and mobile gaming matter as much to you? Or do more hefty hardware features like camera quality make up for any shortcomings on these fronts with Android phones too. And remember: if the price is no object then go ahead and get yourself a Galaxy S9 or Note 9… they’re worth every penny!
A decision between buying iPhones vs android shouldn’t be this hard though since both platforms offer good choices depending upon what you want from your phone.