Modern-Day Use Of PVC Products In Various Industries


PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) is an extensively used synthetic polymer. PVC is well-known for its versatility. Nowadays, PVC is used in various industries because of its adaptable and diverse properties. It is used in rigid and flexible forms and can be manufactured in every color.

Today, almost every manufacturing industry uses PVC somewhere in its production. The global production of PVC in 2018 added up to 44.3 million metric tons, and it is forecasted that in 2025 it will increase up to 60 million metric tons. Here, you will explore some common applications of PVC.

PVC as a construction material

PVC is one of the most rigid plastic materials and has good water and fire resistance, making it useful in construction. PVC can be used as underground piping and fittings. The siding of houses and window frames made of PVC are long-lasting and heat-conservative.

PVC as a construction material promotes insulation and resists temperature fluctuations. It is inexpensive, which is why it can be used as a substitute for wood. PVC pipes are used as ducts for air conditioning systems, heating systems, and ventilation systems.

PVC Patches

PVC patches are similar to rubber patches and are easy to wash. The advantage is they are more lightweight and can be customized to a great degree. People can wear them under the sunlight without color fading. You can also click here to learn the PVC patch manufacturing process in detail.

Cable and wiring insulations

PVC is suitable for wiring insulation because of its thermal and electrical resistance properties. It reduces the chances of short-circuits, heating, and environmental damage. Since WW2, the most effective material used for insulations now is PVC. PVC wire insulations are flexible, durable, and easy to handle. PVC pipes provide the best purpose for coating and ducting cable service. PVC coatings prevent hazardous situations involved in electric handling.

Healthcare products

Healthcare products are in the top ten products manufactured with PVC. The inert property of PVC comes in use for healthcare items. PVC blood bags are flexible and not easily tearable, making them ideal for storing. Other PVC items include IV bags and tubing, catheter, inhalation mask, and dosage packs for medicines. Not just this, PVC products also include overshoes, surgical and examination gloves, and mattress covers used in hospitals.

Household products

Our daily-used household items are also made of PVC. We may not pay attention to every household product we use, but there are PVC products all around us in our homes. Molded items like raincoats and boots are flexible and water-resistant therefore used for rain. PVC materials are comparatively inexpensive hence, suitable for domestic purposes. Household items like shower curtains, upholstery, toys, food containers, laundry baskets, chairs, and patio furniture are usually made of plastic. Even the wastebasket used in most houses is of PVC.

For chemical handling

In laboratories, technicians use PVC containers for handling concentrated and toxic chemicals. Because of its strong resistance to corrosive chemicals, it can be conveniently used for this purpose. Other than that, PVC is also used for flexible tubing used in laboratories. PVC is also used for storing chemicals, including salt solutions, alkali, and hydrogen-based acids, where metal containers are not suitable.

As a packaging material

Manufacturers use PVC in packaging as a clear rigid box for many items. It is customizable in many colors and images. PVC packages are extremely durable and preferred over PET packaging for items that require storage in a freezer. This is because of the flexibility of packaging that prevents it from becoming brittle. PVC Folding boxes, bottles, foil, cling film, and cap sealing, are all examples of PVC packaging.


PVC plays a big role in the manufacturing of sports goods. Equipment made of PVC is durable and survives rough handling pretty well. Balls, shoes, and yoga mats are made up of PVC. In addition, safety gear and sports surfaces are also sometimes made of PVC. It is recyclable and requires low maintenance.

Automotive applications

The automotive industry also makes good use of PVC. It is cost-effective, and its heat resistance makes it ideal for the interior of vehicles. One of the good qualities of plastic is it does not make loud sounds when rattling or moving. PVC allows manufacturers to make different and complicated designs. And what makes PVC a good choice for the interior of vehicles is its shock-absorbing property. PVC dashboards are soft and can save lives in case of strong impact. Examples of PVC in automotive are dashboard, underbody coatings, door panels, external side protection strips, and window sealing profiles.


The diversity of PVC makes it a useful material. PVC products are safer and cheaper, which is why they’re in demand. It is predicted that the consumption of PVC will increase to 55,725 thousand tons in 2022. With the increase in demand for PVC supply, suppliers have increased in number consequently. PVC is ideal for long-term used products, and it creates minimal waste. It will not be a surprise to see further evaluation of PVC in the future. 

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