Scammers and criminals are forming groups to target computers and networks with malicious software and fake emails. Phishing is now an organized crime and business enterprises lose billions of dollars every year to phishing attacks.
Employees are as much at risk of being targeted by scammers as ordinary citizens are. In fact, employees are more at risk as scammers can access the vast database and steal a huge amount of money by targeting enterprises than individuals. Anti-phishing software is as important as anti-virus software.
The best anti-phishing software provides an all-round email security solution that alerts the users about fraudulent messages and blocks them effectively. But is the process as simple as it is termed to be?
Let us take a look at all the elements involved that makes an email security system the best software in the market.
Out of all the phishing threats, brand impersonation has said to be the most recurring threat followed by business email compromise for enterprises. Impersonating a famous or widely known brand makes it easy to dupe employees who might have accounts existing with those brands. When an employee clicks on the fraudulent links in the email and fills in their details, they leave the company network open and vulnerable for the attackers to enter the system. This results in a loss of personal data for the employee as well as the business enterprise.
The best phishing solution software not just matches the URLs with the existing ones in the database but specifically uses computer vision technology to read and see the minute differences in the URL address. Scammers are creating new URLs to pass undetected by the email security systems. This can be stopped by reading the code in the address for malicious software.
Malware is sent to employees disguised as a PDF or a file attachment with the emails. Employees who usually download dozens of files every day may not be able to notice that one of those is a virus that would enter and freeze the system. Employees receive around 16 phishing emails per month. Chances are moderate so high that the system of an enterprise already has malware in it which has been undetected by the email security system.
The Best Anti-phishing software that is built and runs on the cloud can keep the system safe from phishing attacks. It can become invisible and create a layer of protection that cannot be penetrated by scammers. All emails received by the employees will pass through this software and the users will be alerted using banners.
Business enterprises spend time and money in educating employees to be vigilant in opening the emails and reporting the suspicious ones. But when a person works online for numerous hours each day, it becomes almost impossible to pay extra attention to every email they receive and check for its authenticity. Especially, with the attackers getting smarter, detecting a fraudulent email manually has become a challenging task.
The leading company that provides email security solutions of phishing attacks and ways to prevent them effectively along with detailing why it is important to have comprehensive, advanced, and additional email security. Be it Microsoft Office 365, Exchange, or G Suite, their email security system solutions can be integrated into the company’s system easily.
When a phishing attack happens, the criminal or impersonator masquerades as a known entity and gains the confidence of an employee and dupes them into opening an email with a malicious link. Once the link is opened, it could result in viruses, malware, or ransomware entering the systems.
The best anti-phishing software should work on any number of devices and from all locations. Users should be able to report a suspicious email easily. Scalability is an important feature to consider as businesses expand and employees use personal and official devices for work.
The software should be seamlessly integrated into various email systems such as Office 365, G Suite, Exchange, etc. and should work without any glitches at all times. Having an interactive dashboard that is automatically updated with the number of phishing threats detected and blocked will provide the enterprise with information about the threats and ways to counter those.