[Infographic] – 5 Kitchen Safety Tips


Maintaining a safe and healthy environment at your home should be the utmost priority of any homeowner. People often think more of the dangers that occur outside with common accidents that usually happen while cleaning the gutters or lawn mowing, but even inside the premises of your household has plenty of dangers as well.

A new report shows that as many 20,000 deaths, 7 million disabling injuries, and 20 million hospital trips in the U.S. occur in our homes, which is a scary and sobering fact to realize.

Accidents can happen unexpectedly in any room, but the kitchen is one of the most likely spots where any resident could suffer an injury or fatality.

The kitchen is the backbone of any home. It’s not just a place for cooking, but a place to sit with the family and reconnect. However, it has plenty of equipment and environmental hazards that make it prone to specific threats and risks that can compromise the safety of your family.

Any lurking dangers such as sharp objects like knives, open fire by the oven, electrical appliances, and even bacteria around the kitchen makes this supposed safe haven extremely dangerous.

As such, it’s vital for any homeowner to observe basic rules of kitchen safety and practice the simplest precautionary measures while working in the kitchen as one slip up or mistake can cause serious injuries or accidents.

This infographic by Mr. Cabinet Care presents various simple kitchen safety tips that any homeowner can do to prevent any unnecessary accidents and damages at home.

5 Kitchen Safety Tips

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