Website malware threat is a big concern that just can be wished away. If a site gets infected, Google will blacklist it (it does backlist over 10,000 websites each day). As a result, protecting your site from malware is a pressing necessity else it could affect your business in more ways than you can imagine. Cyber-attacks may be a menace, but they can well be countered with effective measures in place. If your IT team is alert and aware of the risks of malware, it can help your website navigate the rough weather smoothly. Plus, being proactive in web security threats can help any website successfully thwart threats.
Here are some of ways to protect from website from the threat of malware –
1. Scan Your Site Frequently
The risk of potential malware can be brought down considerably if you scan the site regularly. Website owners who do security check and scan their site frequently for vulnerabilities are better placed to keep away the danger of malware. The site must always be checked for changed files and for strings of malware to keep its safety in check. It’s important to scan your device, be it computer, laptop or smartphone regularly and get latest version of anti-virus software installed. This will stop you from accidentally spreading the malware to the site in case some infected file has crept into the system.
2. Take Regular Backups
Only backups can help restore a site quickly in case it has been malware infected. For that reason, you should take regular backup of the site and provide it full protection against malware and other cyber threats. It’s also important to have the backup stored offsite so that it can be easily accessed in case a security attack has compromised the host or server. When you take regular backups of the site, it keeps you relaxed and confident of putting in place a measure as soon as something amiss is detected.
3. Use Secure Passwords
Hackers don’t hate anything more than strong and secure passwords to accounts. This renders them incapable of breaching the defence set in place by websites or other online systems. If all your accounts and profiles on the web have password with a mix of characters, letters, numbers, symbols, or special characters, it can keep you largely from the clutches of cyberattack. For website, always have a separate password for the hosting account, domain account, dashboard to the defence layered which makes it hard to break for backers.
4. Switch to latest versions of software and tools, plugins
Staying latest with the versions of software is akin to staying ahead of the threats of malware and cyber-attacks. Website owners who do perform regular updates of website elements are able to stay safer than those who don’t. It’s always necessary to switch to the latest available versions of platforms, plugins and tools that makers bring to fore. Updates are easy and, in most cases, they require a few clicks of the mouse only. Plus, being updated can help minimize the risks of malware to a great extent and this is how your website can stay safe on the web for longer.
5. Upgrade Your Hosting Plan
Hosting plan is definitely the last thing to think of saving money. You may save some but only at the cost of comprising the security of your website. The risks are more for websites hosted on a shared plan in comparison to those on a managed or VPS or Dedicated servers. It’s true that advanced hosting plans cost more but they have more security features and ensure better safety to the site. Even if they require more investment, you can expect round-the-clock security monitoring, SSL certificates, firewall etc.
6. Install a Web Application Firewall
It’s a good strategy to invest in a hosting plan that comes with a web application firewall installed. You may also go ahead and get installed this firewall to stay safe on the web. The firewall can bolster the layer of security and keep away threats of malware and cyber-attacks. With firewall in place, you can be sure about spam bots and hackers being blocked or anything suspicious not allowed to go past the defences in place.
7. Use SSL and HTTPS
Encryption is another way to keep away the threats of malware and render hackers largely ineffective. When you switch the site to HTTPS, it gets all the communications between the site and browser encrypted. And once that happens, hackers don’t have much to be pleased about except scratch their head. You can install an SSL certificate on the site, and it will make HTTPS activated. From then onwards, your site will be free from the angers of malware. You can also hire the services of a top web development India company to enhance security features of your website.